
Permulaan Kepada Rehat Yang Panjang

I am a mother of two. A working mother.

Where life is considerably hectic ever since i started commuting quite far from home to work early this year. My daily routine has changed to 360 degree. From easy breezy to a total chaotic, from 15min to work to 1hr and 45 mins to work, from waking up at 6.00am to forcing my eyes wide open at 4.00am everyday, from this sentence "biiiiikkkk (my mil maid) ... tolong saya itu, ini" to a newly found fave sentence "B (my other half) ... tolong i itu, ini, 

Semput, terkejar-kejar, nak pengsan, pening semuanya ada kerana sepanjang 6 tahun tinggal bersama mertua my life was so easy.

Belum sampai sebulan badan dah mula demanding. Lethargic is the right word. Kepenatan yang melampau kerana hidup yang terkejar-kejar sepanjang hari bekerja dan juga hujung minggu. Dan tanggal 28 Januari tahun ini saya kembali mencari pemakanan tambahan yang sesuai untuk membantu ketahanan badan to suit my lifestyle.

Shaklee bukanlah baru bagi saya. I started consuming shaklee four years ago bagi merealisasikan impian penyusuan badan secara eksklusif ketika khaleel berumur 1 tahun. Back then i used shaklee merely for  breastfeeding purpose and wasn't really keen to use it for bones, kesihatan wanita and what not sebab kurang kesedaran untuk semua tu.

And after 4 years... i finally came back for shaklee. It's not for breastfeeding alone anymore (as i'm no longer a latching hub; my youngest is four this year), it's now for my whole family and who knows it might generate some income for my endless needs and wants.

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